I recently overhauled my entire Computer Science resume using LaTeX. While doing so, I found some useful tips that I’d like to share, some from Butterick’s Practical Typography, which I highly recommend looking through. I’ll start at the top and work my way down.
My new resume uses five packages:
to set a 0.5“ page margin.multicols
to create columns and use horizontal space more effectivelyfontenc
to change the fontcharter
, the fontmicrotype
for more natural hyphenation at the end of lines
Out of the box, LaTeX has formatting well-suited for scientific literature, but not so much for resumes. Here are some of the changes I made.
Font Size
Most articles I read recommended a font-size between 10pt-12pt, so I went with 11pt: \documentclass[11pt][article]
Hiding Numbering
To disable page numbers, use \pagenumbering{gobble}
To hide section and subsection numbering, use \section*{Title}
and \subsection*{Title}
(with the asterisk).
Header Underlines
Try using \hrule
: \section*{Experience\hrull}
Professional summaries typically include years of experience in the form of [positive adjective] [job title] with X years of experience doing something.
For years of experience, you will likely have something like “4+” or “3½”.
Try 4\texttt{+}
for the former to prevent weird spacing and 3\textonehalf{}
for the latter.
The \texttt{}
command also works well for formatting “C++”.
Here is a comparison with C++
on the left vs C\texttt{++}
on the right:
Education & Experience
For both of these sections, you might use a bulleted \begin{itemize}
list and will want to display a time range.
By default, itemized lists in LaTeX are quite expansive, taking up excessive space.
To compact them, try \setlength\itemsep{-0.5em}
right after the \begin{itemize}
It’s good practice to include a range from a start month and year to an end month and year.
For months, I recommend using the standard 3 letter abbreviations for consistency and alignment: Aug. 2019
You may have something like Aug. 2019 - Sep. 2020
, for which I have one nitpick: hyphens are not for ranges.
As Practical Typography and Wikipedia will both tell you, the correct character is the “en dash”, produced in LaTeX with \textendash{}
Now, most resumes float the date for degrees, job experience, awards, etc to the right.
In LaTeX, this may be emulated by \hspace*{\fill}
This LaTeX:
\textbf{Company Name} - \emph{Support Technician} \hspace*{\fill}Nov. 2018 \textendash{} Jul. 2019
Will produce this:
Multiple Columns
Add \usepackage{multicol}
and then you can easily use multiple columns with \begin{multicols}{3}
I used this to split my project list into two columns, and my technical proficiencies into three: “Languages/Frameworks”, “DevOps”, and “Web/Typesetting”.